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      Design Scheme Solicitation Announcement for the Overall Strategic Planning for Chongqing Rail Transport Line 1 (Bishan Station to Majiayan Station) TOD Mixed Use Development and Design Scheme for Demonstration Station TOD Mixed Use Development

       一、 项目背景
       I. Project backgroundTOD,就是“以公共交通为导向”的城市发展模式,是以轨道交通站点为中心,以600~800米(约10分钟步行距离)为半径进行高强度集约化开发,打造集工作、商业、文化、购物、娱乐、出行、居住等于一体的混合功能区,实现生产、生活、生态高度和谐统一。TOD的本质是“建轨道就是建城市”,倡导城市功能与空间的高度混合、围绕站点圈层式高强度开发、公交优先的人本交通体系和城市中心再复兴等原则,目标是创造更便利、更宜居、更和谐的美好生活和美丽城市。TOD, a “Public Transport Orientated” urban development model that allows high intensity and efficiency development within 600m – 800m (approximately 10 mins walking distance) radius around a rail transport station, generating an integrated mixed-use area accommodating functions such as working, retail, culture, shopping, entertainment, travel, living and others, and realising a highly harmonious integration between working, living and ecology. The nature of TOD is “Building the Rail is Building the City”, it promotes the principles of extensive mixture between city functions and space, high intensity development circles around the stations, people orientated public transport traffic system and city centre revitalisation. The goal is to create a more convenient, more liveable and more harmonious life and a beautiful city.为加快推进我市城市轨道交通TOD综合开发,促进轨道交通与城市建设协调发展,我市相关部门制定了城市轨道交通TOD综合开发的规划、实施意见及实施方案。未来,重庆将紧密围绕高质量打造“轨道上”的主城都市区,以轨道交通TOD综合开发为抓手,以谋划找魂、策划找功能、规划定空间、计划定时序实现“四划同步”,整体推进轨道交通沿线周边城市建设。TOD综合开发将助推轨道站点打造“一日生活圈”,提升“最后一公里”服务品质。The relevant departments of our City have established the planning, implementation advice and implementation plan for urban rail transport TOD mixed-use development, in order to expedite the urban rail transport TOD mixed-use development of Chongqing and promote the coordinated development between rail transport and city construction. In the future, Chongqing will emphasis on building high-quality “on the rail” metropolitan city areas, seeking the soul with visionary planning, identifying functions through strategic planning, establishing spatial order through space planning and defining a schedule with time planning, thus achieving the “four simultaneous planning” rationale and progressing the overall city development along the rail transport lines through rail transport TOD mixed-use development. The TOD mixed-use development will facilitate the “one-day living circle” at the stations, uplifting the service quality in the “last kilometre”.我市将按照“先试点后推广”的原则,分批次组织实施主城都市区城市轨道交通TOD综合开发项目,现率先对轨道交通一号线相关站点开展项目策划和一体化城市设计,即针对TOD开发项目的产业业态、城市形态、市政道路、综合管廊、交通衔接等内容统一开展项目策划和城市设计,并对涉及的周边市政设施以及公交场站、交通枢纽、公共服务设施等配套设施一并纳入考虑。Our City will, based on the principle of “promotion following pilots”, organise and implement a series of urban rail transport TOD mixed-use development projects in the city metropolitan area in phases. Rail transport Line 1 related stations have now been organised to proceed with project strategic planning and integrated urban design, which will incorporate the industry types, urban forms, city infrastructure road, integrated utility tunnel, and transport connection of the TOD projects into a unified project strategic planning and integrated urban design. It will also comprehensively consider the related surrounding city utility infrastructure and public transport station, transportation hub, public service facility and other affiliated facilities.

       二、 规划目的
       II. Purpose of the planning重庆轨道交通1号线贯穿渝中区、九龙坡区、沙坪坝区和璧山区,东起渝中区朝天门,西延伸至璧山区,是轨道交通线网东西方向的主干线。本次征集旨在面向全球公开征集轨道交通1号线(璧山站至马家岩站)TOD综合开发总体策划及示范站点TOD综合开发策划和城市设计方案。Chongqing Rail Transport Line 1 runs across Yuzhong District, Jiulongpo District, Shapingba District and Bishan District. It starts from Chao Tian Men in Yuzhong District and extents to Bishan District to the west; it is the primary east – west line of the rail transportation network. This Solicitation is intended as an open global solicitation for the Overall Strategic Planning for Chongqing Rail Transport Line 1 (Bishan Station to Majiayan Station) TOD Mixed Use Development and the Strategic Planning and Design Scheme for the TOD Mixed Use Development of Demonstration Station(s).深入剖析重庆TOD建设的现状,从中找问题、找思路、找方法,总结出重庆TOD的本质及内涵,并深入开展TOD综合开发规划研究。以具有前瞻性与创新性的设计理念和方案,为轨道交通1号线TOD综合开发注入新思想、新活力,通过对规划范围内14个站点的统筹谋划、差异定位,推动轨道交通1号线TOD综合开发区建设成为创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的典型示范区和TOD形象展示窗口。Current Chongqing TOD development condition shall be analysed in depth for identifying issues, directions and methods, summarizing theessence and inner qualities of Chongqing TOD, and performing in-depth planning study for TOD mixed-use development. With forward thinking and innovative design philosophy and scheme, new thinking and new vitality will be introduced into the Rail Transport Line 1 TOD Mixed Use Development. Through the integrated planning, differentiated positioning of the 14 stations within the planned scope, promoting of the establishment of Rail Transport Line 1 TOD Mixed-use area into an innovative, coordinated, green, open, and shared pilot area and the showcasing TOD example for the future Chongqing.

       三、 设计范围及规模
       III. Design scope and scale本次征集包含两个设计范围:一是轨道交通1号线(璧山站至马家岩站)总体策划,规划面积约1991公顷。二是轨道交通1号线微电园站、赖家桥站、马家岩站、磁器口站4个示范站点综合开发策划和城市设计,规划面积约659公顷。This Solicitation consists two design scopes: 1. Overall strategic planning for Rail Transport Line 1 (Bishan Station to Majiayan Station), with planned area of approximately 1,991Ha. 2. Strategic planning and urban design for the 4 stations of Rail Transport Line 1 – Weidianyuan Station, Laijiaqiao Station, Majiayan Station and Ciqikou Station, with planned area of approximately 659 Ha.

图规划范围Fig Planning scope

       四、 设计内容
IV. Design content本次规划编制分为两个阶段。第一阶段为方案征集阶段,第二阶段为方案深化阶段。The planning shall be divided into two stages. Stage 1 is the Scheme Solicitation Stage; Stage 2 is the Scheme Development Stage.

       (一) 方案征集阶段:
       (I) Scheme Solicitation Stage:1、轨道交通1号线(璧山站至马家岩站)TOD综合开发总体策划的设计内容Design content for the Overall Strategic Planning for Rail Transport Line 1 (Bishan Station to Majiayan Station) TOD Mixed-Use Development对轨道交通1号线(璧山站至马家岩站)TOD综合开发区1991公顷用地进行总体谋划与策划,提出具有国际视野、重庆特色的TOD综合开发规划策略与思路,遵循场景营城的理念,围绕TOD营造不同的城市氛围,实现“站城一体”融合发展、“五态(生态嵌合、形态耦合、仪态契合、业态混合、活态聚合)”协同发展。内容至少包括:深入剖析重庆TOD建设的现状,剖析各个站点存在的问题,总结重庆TOD的本质及内涵,提出重庆TOD综合开发建设的思路;轨道交通1号线在中心城区的定位;轨道交通1号线(璧山站至马家岩站)14个站点TOD综合开发与城市中心区、城市副中心、片区商业中心的区域协同关系及在区域发展中发挥的作用;轨道交通1号线TOD综合开发总体功能定位及总体发展战略;各个站点TOD综合开发的目标定位、主导功能、发展战略、业态策划(业态构成及规模等)和重大项目安排,目标定位同时要体现站点间TOD综合开发的差异性;长租公寓、中小户型在TOD综合开发中的布局以及规模预测;结合区域内的交通换乘特点,对区域综合交通网络提出相关建议。The overall designing and strategic planning shall be carried out for the 1,991Ha land within the scope of the Rail Transport Line 1 (Bishan Station to Majiayan Station) TOD Mixed-Use; TOD mixed-use planning strategy and thinking shall combine international perspective and Chongqing characteristics, following the philosophy of themed city, creating differentiated urban atmosphere around TOD; realising the integrated development for the “integration between station and the city” and coordinating the development with the “Five Manners (embedded ecology, connected appearance, coordinated presence, mixed function types and gathered vitality)”. The contents shall at least include: in-depth analysis of the current condition of Chongqing TOD development, analyse existing issue within each station, summarise theessence and inner qualities of Chongqing TOD, propose the thinking of Chongqing TOD Mixed-use development; the positioning of Rail Transport Line 1 within the central city area; the role of the 14 Stations TOD Mixed-use development of Rail Transport Line 1 (Bishan Station to Majiayan Station) in relation to the district coordination relationship amongst city centre area, city sub-centre area,  district commercial centres and the regional development; overall functional positioning and overall development strategy of Rail Transport Line 1 TOD Mixed-use development; objective positioning, major functions, development strategy, property type strategic planning (property type composition and scale, etc.) of each TOD Mixed-use development and major project arrangement, and target positioning while expressing variations between each TOD mixed-use development; the configuration and scale forecast for long lease apartment, medium and small size unit type within the TOD Mixed-use development; providing relevant advices on the regional comprehensive traffic network, based on the characteristics of the regional transit.2、示范站点TOD综合开发策划及城市设计内容Strategic planning and urban design for the Pilot TOD Mixed-use Development以促进“站城一体”融合发展为目标,在总体策划基础上对轨道交通1号线微电园站、赖家桥站、马家岩站、磁器口站4个站点约659公顷用地进行策划及城市设计。内容至少包括:按照《主城都市区城市轨道交通TOD综合开发专项规划》等相关要求,深入研究综合开发边界优化及圈层划定、空间结构和功能布局、空间形态塑造、站点空间与城市公共空间和建筑空间的融合、业态策划、综合交通组织、站城一体化区域竖向分析、与轨道车站出入口衔接、地下空间利用等,力争让TOD综合开发区成为未来高品质生活目的地之一。Following the goal of promoting the integrated development for “integrated station and city”, provide strategic planning and urban design for the 4 stations – Wedianyuan Station, Laijiaqiao Station, Majiayan Station and Ciqikou Station of the Rail Transport Line 1, on the basis of the overall strategic planning, total land area of approximately 659Ha. The contents shall at least include: in accordance with the Specific Planning for Urban Rail Transportation TOD Mixed-use Development in the Central City Metropolitan Area and other relevant requirements, providing the boundary and the defined circular catchment area of the mixed-use development, spatial structure arrangement, spatial massing, spatial integration between station space and urban public space and building space, property type strategic planning, comprehensive traffic organisation, vertical analysis for the station-city integration area, access connection with the rail transport station, underground space utilisation and others; strive in establishing the TOD mixed-use area as one of the future destinations for high quality living.

       (II) Scheme Development Stage获得方案深化整合权的设计机构(含联合体)承担深化整合工作。在征集要求内容的基础上综合主办单位及专家评审、行政评审意见,汲取其余2家方案优点和亮点,形成一版完整的成果整合报告。深化整合主要内容包括:深化整合轨道交通1号线(璧山站至马家岩站)TOD综合开发区1991公顷用地的总体谋划与策划;深化整合示范站点TOD综合开发策划及城市设计内容,重点包括对其中未出让或可拆迁改造用地(包含预留预埋的轨道交通车辆段)的项目策划、业态组合(包含长租公寓、中小户型在TOD综合开发中的布局以及规模预测)、开发规模等内容的细化,形成城市设计方案和详细图则等成果,并积极配合控制性详细规划优化单位同步完成控制性详细规划优化方案,城市设计成果与控制性详细规划优化成果同步报批。(具体内容以最终发布的方案征集任务书为准。)The Design Institute (including Joint Venture) who have been awarded the right for development and integration through the Solicitation Evaluation shall undertake the development and integration works. Based on the Solicitation requirements, it shall incorporate the review comments and administrative comments provided by the hosting entity and experts, drawing advantages and highlights from the schemes of the other 2 participants, in order to form a complete consolidated deliverable report. The development and integration shall mainly include: developing and integrating the overall designing and strategic planning for the 1,991Ha land within the Rail Transport Line 1 (Bishan Station to Majiayan Station) TOD mixed-use development area; developing and integrating the strategic planning and urban design of the TOD Mixed-use Development for the Demonstration Stations, key focuses should include project planning for unassigned lands or sites available for demolition or reconstruction (including reserved or embedded rail transport vehicle depot); property type configuration (including the configuration and scale forecast of the long-term rental apartments and small and medium size unit type in the TOD mixed-use development); the detail development of the project strategic planning, generating deliverables including urban design scheme and detailed drawing plans and others; and proactively cooperating with the regulatory detailed planning entity, simultaneously completing the optimised scheme for the regulatory detailed planning, and simultaneously submitting the urban design deliverable and the optimised regulatory detailed planning deliverable for approval. (Detailed content shall be subject to the final issued Scheme Solicitation Brief.)

       五、 征集形式
       V. Solicitation method本次方案征集采用公开报名的方式。This Scheme Solicitation shall adopt open application method.公开报名通过资格审查遴选3家高水平设计机构(含联合体)参与方案征集。公告发布后,即视为报名开始。3 highly qualified design institutes (including Joint Venture) shall be shortlisted through the open application for the Scheme Solicitation. The application shall be deemed as started after the publication of the Announcement.若报名设计机构(含联合体)不足6家,将采用意向邀请方式,邀请相关单位参与。In the event the number of applied design institutes (including Joint Venture) is less than 6, relevant entity will be invited for participation through intended invitation method.

       六、 公开报名申请人资格
       VI. Qualification of the open applicant


       (I) It is encouraged for highly qualified urban design team to take the lead in forming a Joint Venture with teams experienced in urban mixed-use, rail TOD mixed-use development, commercial operation, management and strategic planning for application, the number of Joint Venture members shall not exceed 3 parties.

       (二)申请人(含联合体)必须是独立法人(II) The Applicant (including Joint Venture) must be an independent legal person.

       (三)申请人(含联合体)为国内机构的,须具有城乡规划甲级或工程设计建筑行业(建筑工程)甲级资质;申请人(含联合体)为境外机构的,须在其所在国家或地区应具有合法营业范围,并具有我国境内合法经营和设计许可。联合体成员至少一方应符合以上相应资格条件。(III) If the Applicant (including Joint Venture) is a domestic institute, it must have urban-rural planning Class A qualification or Class A qualification for engineering design and construction industry (architecture engineering); if the Applicant (including Joint Venture) is an oversea institute, it must have legitimate business scope in its country of residence or region, and must have legitimate permit for operation and design in China. At least one member of the Joint Venture shall comply with the above qualification criteria.(四)申请人(含联合体)团队配置需包含城市设计、建筑设计、轨道TOD研究相关专业、市政及交通基础设施设计、科学城市建设、产业功能策划、景观设计等相关专业。

       (IV) The Applicant’s (including Joint Venture) team configuration shall include relevant disciplines such as urban design, architecture design, rail TOD study related discipline, civil and traffic infrastructure design, scientific urban construction, industry functional strategic planning, landscape design and others.(五)联合体合作方需签署具法律效力的《联合体协议》,并明确各设计机构的职责分工、联合体成员单位各自承担的工作量及权益比例.      

     (V) The Joint Venture members shall enter into a legally binding “Joint Venture Agreement”, stipulating the responsibility split between the design institutes and defining workload and rights split between the Joint Venture members.


       (VI) Each member of a Joint Venture shall not independently apply for prequalification, nor join another Joint Venture for the prequalification application for the Project.


       (VII) Experience requirement for the Applicant (including Joint Venture): from 01 January 2015 to date, there should be at least one rail, railway transport station or large scale mixed-use hub and other TOD mixed-use related strategic planning project with contract price of no less than RMB 1million (including RMB 1million); also there should be at leastone rail, railway transport station or large scale mixed-use hub and other TOD mixed-use related urban design project with contracted scope of no less than 1 km2 or contract price of no less than RMB 2million (including RMB 2million) (Scan copy of the contract with Applicant’s official seal must be provided).        (八)申请人(含联合体)业绩奖项、主创设计师的经历及业绩奖项、团队成员资历将作为资格评审的重要参考。        

       (VIII) The award experience Chief Designer’s experience and award, team members’ award of the Applicant (including Joint Venture) shall be the reference in the Prequalification Evaluation.

       (九)申请人(含联合体)不得存在下列情形之一:(IX) The Applicant (including Joint Venture) shall be free from any of the below conditions:

       1. 申请人是不具有独立法人资格的附属机构(单位);
The Applicant is an associated institute (entity) with no independent legal person status;

       2. 被责令停业的;
Being ordered to cease the business;

       3. 被暂停或取消投标资格的;
The bidding qualification is suspended or cancelled;

       4. 财产被接管或冻结的;
Assets has been taken over or frozen;

       5. 在最近三年内有骗取中标或严重违约或重大质量问题查证属实的;
Subject to verified winning bid through deceptive method or material breach or significant quality issue in the recent 3 years;

       6. 因合同纠纷或质量纠纷进入仲裁或司法程序,尚未结束的;
Entered arbitration or legal proceeding due to contractual dispute or quality dispute that yet to be settled;

       7. 两个以上申请人的法定代表人为同一人,母公司、全资子公司及其控股公司,不得在同一项目中同时申请。
Two or more Applicants with the same legal representative; the parent company, its wholly owned subsidiary and its holding company shall not apply at the same time in the same Project.


               (X) The Chief Designer must attend the kick-off meeting, participating site visit and Q&A and presentation, review meetings; after the kick-off meeting, the Chief Designer and Design Team shall visit the site for no less than 3 days; during the subsequent design development stage, the Chief Designer shall participate in relevant subsequent evaluation meetings in accordance with client’s requirement. The Hosting Entity shall select a date for carrying out interim inspection. Upon successful application, this clause shall be deemed as accepted.


          (XI) The design personnel who are participating in this Solicitation shall be the registered personnel of the design institute, the Chief Designer should be the planner or architect who has the experience in leading multiple projects of the same type, and must directly participate throughout the scheme solicitation design process.


       (XII) During the design process, should the Chief Designer be different to the information submitted in the Prequalification Material or the Chief Designer is unilaterally replaced without the Hosting Entity’s consent, participation qualification shall be deemed as invalid, the Hosting Entity shall include the organisation and personnel into the relevant integrity management procedure.

       七、 时间安排
       VII. Time arrangement
阶 段
Stage时 间
Time事 项
Stage 1 Prequalification Stage (12 days)2021.1.11发出征集公告
Issue Solicitation Announcement2021.1.20报名截止
Applicant deadline2021.1.21-2021.1.22资格预审会,确定入围机构
Prequalification evaluation meeting, confirming the shortlisted entities发出邀请,入围机构签署《确认参与函》
Issuing invitation, Participation Confirmation Letter sign off by the shortlisted entities第二阶段:方案征集阶段(50天)
Stage 2: Scheme Solicitation Stage (50 days)2021.1.25启动会,组织踏勘与答疑
Kick-off meeting, organising site visit and Q&A2021.2.24方案中期检查
Interim scheme review2021.3.12提交成果(纸质和电子版)
Deliverable submission (hardcopy and softcopy)2021.3.16方案评审会
Scheme evaluation meeting第三阶段:方案深化阶段(40天)
Stage 3: Scheme Development Stage (40 days)2021.3.17-2021.4.26城市设计深化整合
Urban design development and integration
注:以上时间均为北京时间,若受疫情影响,主办单位可对活动具体时间节点,启动会、评审会形式作适时调整。Note: the abovementioned time shall be subject to Beijing Time, in the event of any COVID-19 impact, the Hosting Entity may appropriately adjust the detailed time arrangement of the activity and the method for the kick-off meeting and the evaluation meeting.        

       八、 征集说明
       VIII. Solicitation introduction

       (一)本次征集活动分为三个阶段。第一阶段为资格预审阶段,时长约12天(公告报名约10天,申请人遴选约2天);第二阶段为方案征集阶段,时长约50天(含技术方案中期评议);第三阶段为方案深化阶段,时长约40天(含深化方案中期评议)。(I) This Solicitation activity shall be divided into three stages. Stage 1 is the Prequalification Stage, with duration of approximately 12 days (announcement and application for approximately 10 days, Applicant shortlisting for approximately2 days); Stage 2 is the Scheme Solicitation Stage, with duration of approximately 50 days (including technical scheme interim evaluation); Stage 3 is the Scheme Development Stage, with duration of approximately 40 days (including developed scheme interim evaluation).

       (二)公开报名的申请人(含联合体)将由主办单位对报名材料进行资格预审,从中遴选出3家入围设计机构(含联合体)和2家备选设计机构(含联合体)。若入围的设计机构(含联合体)自行放弃等原因无法参与,由主办单位按照备选设计机构排序(含联合体)依次替补。(II) The Hosting Entity shall carry out Prequalification evaluation to the Application Materials of the open Applicants (including Joint Venture). 3 design institutes (including Joint Venture) will be shortlisted and 2 subsequent ranking backup design institutes (including Joint Venture) will be selected. If the shortlisted design institute (including Joint Venture) cannot participate due to the reason of abandoning its opportunity, the Hosting Entity shall select the backup design institute (including Joint Venture) according to their ranking.

       (三)申请人(含联合体)须保证所有报名材料真实、合法和有效,并承担相关法律责任。(III) The Applicant (including Joint Venture) shall ensure all application materials are true, legitimate and effective, and shall undertake relevant legal responsibilities.(四)入围的设计机构(含联合体)同时开展技术方案设计工作,其提交的设计成果应满足征集任务书要求,专家评审委员会将对成果进行排序。经主办单位综合评审后确定一家设计机构(含联合体)获得方案深化整合权。                

       (IV) The shortlisted design institutes (including Joint Venture) shall carry out technical scheme design work simultaneously, its submitted design deliverable shall comply with the Solicitation brief requirements; the expert review panel will rank the deliverables. The Hosting Entity, upon comprehensive evaluation, shall confirm one design institute (including Joint Venture), who shall be awarded the right for development and integration for the scheme.经专家评审委员会评审为有效成果的,设计机构(含联合体)将获得相应设计补偿费。经主办单位综合评审为一等奖的设计机构(含联合体)获设计补偿费含税包干120万元整(大写金额壹佰贰拾万元整),二、三等奖设计机构(含联合体)分别获设计补偿费含税包干90万元整(大写金额玖拾万元整)。Upon the expert panel’s evaluation as valid deliverable, the design institute (including Joint Venture) shall receive corresponding design compensation fee. Following the Hosting Entity’s comprehensive evaluation, 1st prize design institute (including Joint Venture) shall receive a lump sum design compensation fee of RMB 1.2million (amount in words of RMB ONE MILLION TWO HUNDRED THOUSANDS YUAN), 2nd and 3rd prize design institutes shall separately receive a lump sum design compensation fee of RMB 900,000 (amount in words of RMB NINE HUNDRED THOUSANDS YUAN).获得方案深化整合权的设计机构(含联合体),与重庆城市交通开发投资(集团)有限公司签订深化整合合同,含税包干设计费用600万元整(大写金额陆佰万元整),结合专家评审意见和主办单位要求,完成深化整合工作,深化方案通过主办单位验收后入库。以上费用均为人民币,并且本次征集活动仅以人民币结算。设计补偿费、设计方案深化费用相关细则以最终发布的方案征集任务书为准。设计机构(含联合体)如果自愿放弃深化整合权,主办单位有权指定其他两家单位中的一家开展深化整合工作。具体细节在后续深化整合合同中详细约定。The design institute (including Joint Venture) who has been awarded the right for scheme development and integration shall enter into a development and integration contract with Chongqing City Transportation Development & Investment Group Co., Ltd; the tax inclusive fixed lump sum design fee shall be RMB 6 million (amount in words of RMB SIX MILLION YUAN); the development and integration work shall be completed by incorporating experts’ review comments and Hosting Entity’s requirements; the developed scheme, subject to the Hosting Entity’s review and acceptance, shall be archived. The abovementioned fee shall be in RMB, and the solicitation activity shall only be settled in RMB. The detailed provisions for design compensation fee and design scheme development fee shall be subject to the final issued Solicitation brief. If the design institute (including Joint Venture) voluntarily abandon the right to development and integration, the Hosting Entity shall have the right to appoint one of the other 2 entities for carrying out the development and integration works. Details shall be agreed in the subsequent contract for development and integration.

       (五)方案征集过程中发生的一切费用及因设计补偿费、设计方案深化费用而发生的有关税费,由设计机构(含联合体)自行负责。(V) All costs incurred during the scheme solicitation and relevant taxes incurred in relation to the design compensation fee and design scheme development fee shall be borne by the design institute (including Joint Venture).        (六)本次征询为中英文对照说明,最终解释语言以中文为准。(VI)The Solicitation is written in Chinese and English; Chinese shall prevail for the understating of the material.

       九、 成果要求
       IX. Deliverable requirements


(I) Prequalification deliverable: the Application Document shall include the company and experience introduction of the Applicant (one A0 size board), Applicant’s application form, qualification proof document, relevant experience of the Applicant (including Joint Venture) and the Chief Designer, chief design team member list and relevant proof documents and others; Joint Venture Agreement, and work split between the Joint Venture members are to be submitted. (see attachments for details)

       (二)方案征集成果:设计成果主要包括设计说明、图纸、动画、三维仿真模型等。设计说明主要包括总体功能定位、总体发展战略、各站点的主导功能、业态策划、示范站点城市设计相关内容等。图纸主要包括业态布局图、空间结构图、功能布局规划图、概念性总平面图、交通规划图等。动画演示时间不少于3分钟。(具体以最终发布的方案征集任务书为准)(II) Scheme Solicitation deliverable: the design deliverables mainly include design description, drawings, animation, 3D model and others. The design description mainly includes overall functional positioning, overall development strategy, dominating function for each station, property type strategic planning, demonstration station urban design related information. Drawings mainly include property type configuration drawing, spatial structure drawing, functional arrangement planning drawing, concept master plan, traffic planning drawing, etc. animation duration should be no less than 3 minutes. (Details shall be subject to the final issued scheme solicitation brief.)            (三)方案深化成果:主要包括文本、说明书、图纸和附件四部分组成。文本主要包括编制目的、依据、原则、范围、主要规划内容等。说明书主要包括基础研究、设计思路和对文本的补充解释等。图纸包括但不限于以下内容:项目策划图、总平面图、土地利用规划图、开发强度风貌控制图、交通组织规划图、公共空间规划图、地下空间规划图(含重要节点竖向、剖面)、配套设施规划图、开发时序规划图、鸟瞰图、重要视点及重要节点效果图、重点地块城市设计导则。附件主要包括基础资料汇编、专题研究报告、评审纪要等内容。        

       (III) Scheme development deliverable: mainly includes four components - report, description, drawing and attachment. The report mainly includes the purpose, basis, principle, scope, and main planning contents for the work. The description shall include basic research, design consideration and the supplemental clarification to the report. Drawings shall include but not limited to the following: project strategic planning drawing, masterplan, land use planning drawings, development intensity and appearance control drawing, traffic arrangement plan drawing, public space planning drawing, underground spatial planning drawing (including vertical design for key nodes and sections), supporting facilities planning drawing, development sequence planning drawing, aerial view, rendering from key view points and key nodes, urban design guideline of key plots. The attachments mainly include the summary of basic material, specific topic study report, review meeting minutes and others.深化阶段成果包括但不限于以上内容,具体根据下阶段与重庆城市交通开发投资(集团)有限公司签订的深化设计合同确定。The deliverable for the development stage shall include but not limited to the above content, details shall be subject to design development contract to be entered with Chongqing City Transportation Development & Investment Group Co., Ltd. in the subsequent stage.

       十、 报名时间及资格预审报名文件递交
X. Application time and Prequalification Application Document submission

       (一)报名时间:2021年1月11日—2021年1月20日(中国北京时间)。(I) Application time:11 January 2021 –20 January 2021 (Beijing Time, PRC)        


       (II) Material submission: the submission deadline for Prequalification Application Document is 17:00, 20 January 2021. All components of the design deliverable at the solicitation stage must be submitted by the deadline, and shall be delivered by delegated person to the specified location, the location is Chongqing Planning & Design Institute (1102, Building 3, Planning and Survey Innovation Base, Yubei District, Chongqing). This Solicitation does not accept online email application, the Tenderee does not accept Prequalification Application Documents that are late in delivery or failed in delivering to the specified location.

       十一、 组织机构
       XI. Organiser征集主办单位:
Solicitation Hosting Entity:重庆市规划和自然资源局
Chongqing Planning and Natural Resources Bureau重庆城市交通开发投资(集团)有限公司
Chongqing City Transportation Development & Investment Group Co., Ltd.征集组织单位:
Solicitation Organiser:重庆市规划设计研究院
Chongqing Planning & Design Institute主办单位有权根据具体情况重新确定活动日程,对本次方案咨询活动拥有最终解释权。The Hosting Entity has the right to rearrange the timelines of the activity and shall have the final power of interpretation for this scheme consultancy activity.组织单位负责此次方案征集编制组织的具体工作,其经主办单位确认发出的相关函件具有与其同等效力。The Organiser shall be responsible for the detailed preparation and organisation of this Scheme Solicitation, and the issued relevant letters that have been agreed by the Hosting Entity shall have the same effectiveness.

       十二、 报名联系方式
       XII. Application contact details组织单位:重庆市规划设计研究院联系人:张女士、陈女士电   话:+86 18996007722、+86 17388296260邮寄地址:重庆市渝北区规划测绘创新基地3号楼1102邮政编码:401147Organiser: Chongqing Planning & Design InstituteContact person: Ms. Zhang, Ms. ChenTele: +86 18996007722、+86 17388296260Mailing address: 1102, Building 3, Planning and Survey Innovation Base, Yubei District, ChongqingPost code: 401147

       十三、 其他
       XIII. Others入围的设计机构(含联合体)要按照征集活动要求参加现场踏勘和现场汇报,来渝人员应满足重庆市疫情防控相关要求,提前做好准备。The shortlisted design institutes (including Joint Venture) shall attend the site visit and on-site presentation in accordance with the requirements of the Solicitation, the personnel visiting Chongqing should be prepared in advance, complying with relevant COVID-19 prevention and control requirements of Chongqing.